Edsharp Accessible Text Editor

In episode 44 of the Mystic place Podcast I demonstrate edsharp, an accessible editor from www.empowermentzone.com. I apologize for the static in the later part of the podcast as I don’t understand what happened.

Google Chrome and ChromeVox Update

In episode 42 I give an update on Google Chrome and ChromeVox. This is an update to episode 40 I did on October 1, 2012. I am correcting an issue where I demonstrate that ChromeVox will not read the Chrome menu bar. The ChromeVox developers recently released an update correcting this issue.

NVDA, ChromeVox and Google Chrome

In this episode, I demonstrate a little bit with using NVDA, ChromeVox with the Google Chrome browser. There are some examples where NVDA doesn’t read radio buttons properly so ChromeVox is used.

APH Talking PC Maps Webinar

On September 13, 2012 The American Printing House for the Blind in conjunction with Sendero Group began a series of Webinars discussing and demonstrating APH Talking PC Maps. This is a product where users can virtually explore their neighborhood or another city.